Sometimes, things seem simple or complicated because of how we see them. The way we look at things affects how we feel, and how we feel can impact our health.

– Ukes Baha

Individuals, Couples & Families

"In the dance of hearts and shared embrace, 
Ukes beckons, a haven of grace.
Individuals, couples, families entwine,
A journey of healing, yours and mine.

Threads of connection, a story unfolds,
Through online sessions, as life molds.
In the unity of souls, we find our part,
A compassionate haven at the heart.

Counselling extends its gentle hand,
Benefiting all, a space to understand.
From individual growth to relationships' art,
A guiding light for every heart."

Ukes Baha

Counselling can be beneficial to everyone and couples, who are looking to strengthen their emotional connections – in all stages of one’s relationship. Online sessions are held from the safety of your own home at a time that is convenient for you.

Breaking the Chains: Understanding and Addressing Addictions

"In the dance with habits that bind, 
Ukes is here, solutions to find. 
Breaking chains that hold you tight, 
A journey together towards the light.

Explore with me, a collaborative quest, 
Addictions understood, put to rest. 
In this supportive space, challenges fade, 
Positive change, a choice well made.

A transformative haven, growth we sow, 
Guiding you to a healthier, happier glow. 
Through counselling's embrace, strength renewed, 
In every step, I'm here to guide you through."

Ukes Baha

Let’s embark on a collaborative journey as we explore the realm of habits and addictions, uncovering effective strategies to overcome them. Here you have a supportive space where you can address and conquer these challenges, paving the way for positive change and guiding you towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. Together, we cultivate a transformative environment that fosters personal growth, and I’m here to provide the information and assistance you may need throughout your counseling journey.

Depression & Anxiety

"In shadows where emotions weigh, 
Ukes stands to light the way. 
Depression's haze, anxiety's grip, 
Counselling's touch, a hopeful trip.

Addictions, fears, a shared terrain, 
Comfort found in the counselling lane. 
Recovery's whisper, motivation's song, 
Perspective restored, joy reborn.

Within these struggles, a pathway found, 
Ukes' support, a solid ground. 
From heaviness to light, we guide, 
Through counselling's embrace, joy resides."

Ukes Baha

Addictions, depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience  in our lives. Through counseling and treatment, we are able to help you recover motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life.

Trauma & PTSD

"In the echoes of trauma's silent roar, 
Ukes stands, a healing shore. 
Addictions, pain, a shared refrain, 
Counselling's balm, to ease the strain.

Anxiety lingers, fear's embrace, 
Post-traumatic echoes, a challenging space. 
Yet here, with guidance, you'll find relief, 
A journey from trauma to a path of belief.

Hopelessness, a shadow to dispel, 
Through grief and healing, we make it well. 
Ukes, a companion through the night, 
Counselling's embrace, a guide to light."

Ukes Baha

Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with addictions, painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. I can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing.

Sexuality, relationships & intimacy

"In the world where connections intertwine, 
Ukes offers guidance, sincere and kind. 
Sexuality's journey, relationships' dance, 
Counselling's touch, a harmonious chance.

Navigating complexities with compassionate grace, 
Insights and strategies for an empowered embrace. 
Confusion and discomfort find solace and flight, 
In this space of truth, where authenticity takes flight.

Acceptance blooms, self-discovery's call, 
Deepening connections, a harmonious thrall. 
Here, in truth's embrace and understanding, 
Ukes guides, love's journey expanding."

Ukes Baha

I offer compassionate guidance to help individuals navigate the complexities of sex, sexuality, relationships, and intimacy. My aim is to provide valuable insights, strategies, and empowerment to overcome confusion and discomfort, fostering self-discovery, acceptance, and deepening connection. Here, we prioritize truth over political correctness, creating a safe space for authentic exploration and understanding.

Survivors of Sexual Assault

"In the world where healing whispers softly,
Ukes extends hands, comforting and lofty.
Survivors of a darkness, silent and cold,
Our embrace is tender, a story to unfold.

Confidential and caring, our sanctuary stands,
A refuge for those who've felt unseen demands.
In the landscape of trauma, threads may fray,
Yet here, resilience blooms, lighting the way.

Through the shadows of torment, survivors rise,
Guided by compassion, wiping tears from their eyes.
The dance of survival, a testament strong,
In this haven of support, they truly belong.

Confusion's curtain gently draws,
In the domain of empathy, healing unfurls its claws.
Strategies crafted with wisdom's might,
Empowering survivors to reclaim their light.

Acceptance, a blossom in the garden of self,
Discovered through courage, embodying wealth.
Connections deepen, wounds start to mend,
Ukes stands as a guide, a steadfast friend.

In this space of truth, understanding takes root,
Love's journey unfolds, a transcendent pursuit.
Ascend and transcend, leave the past behind,
Ukes walks beside, in resilience, they find.

So let our counselling be a harmonious song,
A symphony of healing, where survivors belong.
In the echoes of trauma, our care is profound,
For in this sacred space, strength is found."

Ukes Baha

Extending a compassionate and understanding hand, we strive to create a secure and supportive environment for those who have endured sexual assault. Our commitment is to provide confidential counseling, delivered with empathy, to aid survivors in navigating sexual trauma, rebuilding their lives, and rediscovering a sense of control and empowerment.

Confidential conversations with privacy & trust

"In this haven of whispers, where trust is a must, 
Confidential conversations, an alliance we trust. 
No labels confine, no categories define, 
A space for discussion, where secrets entwine.

Privacy, a sacred vow, held close and tight, 
Every topic you bring, shrouded in the night. 
Guidance and insights, tailored to your tune, 
In this sanctuary of trust, where whispers commune.

Embark on this journey, open and wide, 
Trust and confidentiality, side by side. 
A space where you're heard, your story unfolds, 
In this space of privacy, where warmth and trust hold."

Ukes Baha

We can engage in meaningful discussions without the constraints of specific labels or categories. With utmost respect for your privacy, any topic you’d like to explore or any issue you wish to address will be treated with utmost confidentiality. I am here to provide a safe and supportive space where you can freely express yourself and receive guidance and insights tailored to your unique needs. Let’s embark on an open and inclusive conversation where trust and confidentiality form the foundation of our journey together.

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